This is Andrew (age 2), my grand-nephew (one of many). He is Michael (my nephew, Gina’s son) and Michelle’s (Matron of Honor and my good friend) first child. He is showing me a cool rock he found. Andrew loves to read and do stuff outside. Bugs, rocks, running, and (recently) swimming are all things that he enjoys.
This is Andrew now (4) and his new baby sister, Alyssa. Alyssa was born as Brian and I were having a transcendental moment, bike riding down Mt. Haleakala. It appears that Alyssa mostly wiggles a lot and looks cute in between napping, eating and diaper changes. In reality, her brain is working non-stop on mastering language, social skills, motor skills and how to get what you need. It’s a very tiring job and so you can see why she might sleep more than we do.
Speaking of sleep…
Here are A & A’s sleep-deprived parents: Michelle and Michael. On top of raising the kiddees together, Michael is a master gardener and runs his own landscaping company in Southern California. Two years ago, he spent one vacation up at my house, putting in an extensive drip system for my massive garden.
One year they spent their Christmas break with me.
And they also were visiting me that fateful summer, when I went out on my first date with Brian. Afterwards, Michelle told me that she knew something was special about that date. It was written all over my face. Michelle is a highly regarded elementary school teacher. Her students love their Mrs. Sherman and while she enjoys them as well, right now she is loving the summer break! M & M also enjoy hiking, barbequing, crafts, camping and church.
The Shermans have the honor (responsibility, unfortunate luck) of being the only Quiring nephews/nieces at BAGSFOW. This hasn’t made them extra popular with my many other nephews/nieces but c’mon people! I have a BIG family. I’ve promised them that they will likely leave with good blackmail pictures as a reward. Michael’s mother and stepdad will be here too (Gina and Curt).
Another important event linking us together is that Brian proposed to me on their wedding anniversary… What will come next?
This is the fourth post in a series of notable events for people appearing at BAGSFOW – if you have an announcement – let us know! Click the family category to see all the posts!